Attendant’s Portal

Welcome to the newly enhanced central resource hub tailored specifically for our Photo Booth Attendants! We're thrilled to launch this all-in-one portal, your ultimate resource for everything from event management to photo editing and client interaction. Our goal is to boost efficiency, streamline workflows, and enhance collaboration by bringing together all the crucial tools and information you need in one easy-to-access place.

  • At Luxe Booth, we are dedicated to quality and excellence for our clients. Our goal is to create the best photo experiences while having the most fun doing it. To achieve this, we invest heavily in our team culture and continually enhance our systems and processes.

    We believe in a continuous feedback loop, ensuring that attendants are always improving. We seek talented individuals like yourself who are committed to pushing their limits and thriving in a culture of continuous improvement.

    In this portal, attendants will find everything they need to be successful team members, including resources, tools, and information to support your work and growth within Photo Booth. By leveraging these resources, you can contribute to and benefit from our collective efforts to excel and grow together as a team.

  • Meetings Overview

    Per MMC agreements, all team members are required to attend our MMC meetings. Attendance is mandatory for the monthly meeting held once a month for all shooters. These meetings are essential for staying updated on company policies, procedures, and any new developments.

    Meeting Requirements:

    Monthly Meetings: Mandatory for all shooters, held once a month.

    Additional Meetings: May be scheduled as needed and will require your attendance.

    Regular attendance at these meetings ensures that everyone is aligned and informed, contributing to the overall success and professionalism of the team.

  • Scheduling Overview

    Once you are fully onboarded with the studio, you may be required to complete mandatory training and a tier assessment. After these steps, you will receive regular email notifications about shooting opportunities. These opportunities are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so prompt response is crucial.

    While we strive to provide some flexibility, particularly for second shooters and emergencies, couples prefer to know who their shooter is in advance. Therefore, timely communication and scheduling are essential.

    For all necessary forms and additional scheduling resources, please use the intakes portal or the linked form provided in this portal.

    Applicable Resources:

    Schedule Confirmations Calendar

    Scheduling Adjustment

  • Timelines Overview

    Timelines are an integral part of any successful shoot, and weddings are no different. Our timelines are sent out the Monday before the wedding via email and in a group message.


    Review the timeline promptly upon receipt.

    Address any questions and team logistics within the first 24 hours.

    Avoid last-minute clarifications or changes the day before or the morning of the event.

    Timely review and communication ensure smooth coordination and a successful shoot.

  • Dress Code Examples:

    Male Example

    Female Example


    Move Mountains Co maintains a strict and professional dress code to ensure that our team presents a cohesive and polished image, consistent with the high-end and upscale venues we serve. Adherence to the dress code is mandatory, with a zero-tolerance policy in place.

    Dress Code Requirements:


    All team members, including shooters, are required to wear all-black clothing. This ensures a uniform and professional appearance.


    Dress shoes or boots are required. Casual footwear, including sneakers and sandals, is not permitted.


    Clothing should be clean, neatly pressed, and in good condition without any rips, tears, or excessive wear.


    Personal grooming should reflect the professionalism of our company. Hair should be neatly styled, and facial hair should be well-groomed.


    The dress code is strictly enforced with a zero-tolerance policy. Non-compliance may result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


    The dress code is designed to ensure that our team reflects the high standards and professionalism of Move Mountains Co, aligning with the upscale environments in which we operate. It also helps maintain consistency and fosters a sense of unity among team members.

    By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that we represent Move Mountains Co with the highest level of professionalism and respect for our clients and venues.

  • Forms

    Photo Booth Intake

    Intakes Overview

    Intakes are essential reports that each team member must fill out at the end of the event. They serve several critical purposes:

    Daily Report:

    Provide a summary of how the day went, including any notable events or issues.

    File Counts:

    Document the number of files and footage captured during the event.


    Intakes are also used for invoicing, ensuring accurate and timely payment for your work.

    Submission Requirements:

    Intakes must be submitted the night of the event after the footage has been delivered to the studio and uploaded. Timely submission ensures smooth processing and helps maintain high standards of service and accountability.

  • Importing Process Overview

    The importing process is a crucial step to ensure that all photos from your events are properly transferred and organized. This process involves several key steps for uploading and organizing files on the server. As the Photo Booth Attendant, you are responsible for ensuring that all event photos are uploaded correctly.

    For an in-depth, step-by-step breakdown of the importing process, please refer to our detailed guide here. This guide covers everything you need to know to complete the import process smoothly and efficiently.

    Importing Portal

  • Tier Assessment Overview

    At any point, you can request a tier assessment if you believe you have progressed and qualify for the next stage as an MMC shooter. To initiate this process, fill out the prescreen questionnaire, and a team member will reach out to you.

    If you need to view the tier assessment slides, you can do so here. This resource will provide you with a detailed understanding of the criteria and expectations for each tier level.

    Tier Assessment Prescreen

    Tier Program Slides

  • Studio Access Overview

    Getting to the Studio:

    Upon onboarding, you will be assigned an access code to enter the studio.

    The studio is accessible for gear pickup, drop-off, and any other work-related activities.

    Studio Access:

    Use your assigned code to enter the studio.

    Ensure you follow all studio protocols and respect the equipment and workspace.

    If you encounter any issues with access, contact a team member immediately for assistance.

    Having your access code and understanding the studio protocols will help maintain smooth operations and security.


    560 Mineral Spring Ave. Suite 2111 Pawtucket, RI 02860

    Entrance location

  • At MMC, we value the hard work and dedication of our shooters. To show our appreciation, we've established a comprehensive rewards program designed to recognize and reward your efforts.

    Our rewards program includes various incentives and benefits tailored to enhance your experience and motivate continual excellence. From performance bonuses to exclusive perks, we strive to provide meaningful rewards that align with your contributions.

    For a detailed breakdown of the different rewards available, please visit our Rewards Program Page. This page provides all the information you need to understand the program and how you can benefit from it.

  • Frequently Asked Questions: Payments for Contractors

    When will I receive payment for my work?

    Payments for contractors are made on a Net 30 basis, which means you will receive your payment 30 days from the delivery of the completed project.

    What does "Net 30" mean?

    "Net 30" refers to the payment term where your payment is due 30 days after the final delivery of the project. For example, if you deliver the project on September 1st, you can expect to receive payment by October 1st.

    How is the delivery date determined?

    The delivery date is the day when the project is finalized and submitted to the client. Once the project is officially delivered and accepted, the 30-day payment period begins.

    What happens if there is a delay in the project delivery?

    If there is a delay in the project delivery, the Net 30 payment term will begin from the new delivery date. Payment will be made 30 days from when the project is successfully delivered and accepted.

    How will I know when the project has been delivered?

    You will receive a notification once the project is delivered. This notification will include the delivery date, which you can use to calculate when your payment will be made.

    Who do I contact if I haven't received payment after 30 days?

    If you haven't received your payment after the 30-day period, please contact the payroll team at payroll@movemountains.co. They will assist you in resolving the issue.

    Can I request early payment?

    Currently, early payment requests are not accommodated. All payments are processed on the Net 30 schedule as outlined in your contract.

    How are payments processed?

    Payments are processed through the payment method you provided during onboarding. Please ensure your payment details are up to date in the portal to avoid delays.

    What should I do if I notice an error in my payment?

    If you notice any discrepancies in your payment, please reach out to the payroll team immediately with the details of the issue at payroll@movemountains.co. They will investigate and correct any errors as quickly as possible.



  • You can bill 56 cents per mile after the first 120 miles (roundtrip) from our Providence location.

    Travel Calculator

  • Bill for the contracted time only. This is the time the couple has booked us for. For example, if the couple has contracted us for 8 hours from 12 PM to 8 PM, you bill for those hours regardless of early arrival for gear pickup or event setup. Billable time starts and ends according to the scheduled shooting time, not your return to the studio or other activities.

  • Yes, insurance is mandatory for all shooters at Move Mountains Co. It protects you, your equipment, and the company from potential liabilities and unforeseen events. Having insurance ensures that you are covered in case of accidents, equipment damage, or other incidents that may occur during a shoot.

    Insurance Recommendation

  • For HR Needs:

    Email: hr@movemountains.co

    For Scheduling Needs:

    Email: scheduling@movemountains.co

    Please use the appropriate email address for your specific needs to ensure your inquiries are directed to the right team and addressed promptly.