Loyalty Program

Unlock exclusive perks and discounts with the Move Mountains Co. Loyalty Program! As a valued client, you'll enjoy savings on add-on services, future shoots, and gain priority access to new offerings. Join today by signing up for any of our packages and watch your rewards grow with your investment. Experience the best in wedding photo and film services while enjoying the benefits of our loyalty program.

  • Unlock exclusive perks and discounts with the Move Mountains Co. Rewards Program! As a valued client, you'll enjoy savings on add-on services, future shoots, and gain priority access to new offerings. Join today by signing up for any of our packages and watch your rewards grow with your investment. Experience the best in wedding photo and film services while enjoying the benefits of our loyalty program.

  • Spend: $4,000 - $7,999


    • 5% off any add-on services and/or products

    • 5% off future shoots

    • Priority access to new services and promotions

  • Spend: $8,000 - $11,999


    • 10% off any add-on services and/or products

    • 10% off future shoots

    • Priority access to new services and promotions

  • Spend: $12,000 - $14,999


    • 15% off any add-on services and/or products

    • 15% off future shoots

    • Priority access to new services and promotions

  • Spend: $15,000 and above


    • 20% off any add-on services and/or products

    • 20% off future shoots

    • Priority access to new services and promotions

  • Simply sign up for any of our packages and your total spend will automatically enroll you in the appropriate tier. As you continue to invest in our services, your tier level will be adjusted to reflect your cumulative spend, unlocking more rewards and benefits.

    • Discounts on future shoots apply to any bookings made within two years of the original purchase.

    • Discounts do not apply to package upgrades.

    • Add-on services include options like Photo Booth, livestream, Super 8 content creation, and other additional content creation services. Clients cannot apply the discount when adding a photography package to a video package or vice versa.

    • Codes cannot be used in conjunction with other specials and promotions.

    Thank you for choosing Move Mountains Co. We look forward to capturing your precious moments and providing you with exceptional service.

    If you have any questions about our rewards program or need assistance with your bookings, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@movemountains.co.